NB: Orders can only be done Telephonically by calling Dorothy at 0824534103 or via e-mail. An easy to complete order form is available for e-mail purposes. Click Here to select the order form! Or choose your product and go to the Contact Us/Order page on the main menu!

Products Page

FEEDING PILLOWS – Prices marked with each item

FEEDING PILLOWS – Prices marked with each item

Price: ZAR 0.00

SWADDLE WRAPS – Prices marked with each item

SWADDLE WRAPS – Prices marked with each item

Price: ZAR 0.00

SLEEPING BAGS FOR BABY – Prices marked with each item

SLEEPING BAGS FOR BABY – Prices marked with each item

Price: ZAR 0.00

NEW BORN NECK PILLOWS – Prices marked with each item

NEW BORN NECK PILLOWS – Prices marked with each item

Price: ZAR 0.00

SLEEP POSITIONER – Prices marked with each item

SLEEP POSITIONER – Prices marked with each item

Price: ZAR 0.00

MICROWAVE BOTTLE STERILISER – Prices marked with each item

MICROWAVE BOTTLE STERILISER – Prices marked with each item

Price: ZAR 0.00

NAPPY BINS – Prices marked with each item

NAPPY BINS – Prices marked with each item

Price: ZAR 0.00

MANUEL BREAST PUMPS – Prices marked with each item

MANUEL BREAST PUMPS – Prices marked with each item

Price: ZAR 0.00

TRAINING POTTIES AND TOILET RINGS – Prices marked with each item

TRAINING POTTIES AND TOILET RINGS – Prices marked with each item

Price: ZAR 0.00

HOOK-ON FEEDING CHAIR – Prices marked with each item

HOOK-ON FEEDING CHAIR – Prices marked with each item

Price: ZAR 0.00

BUMBO CHAIR – Prices marked with each item

BUMBO CHAIR – Prices marked with each item

Price: ZAR 0.00



Price: ZAR 50.00

COT BUMPERS – Prices marked with each item

COT BUMPERS – Prices marked with each item

Price: ZAR 0.00



Price: ZAR 0.00

BONNETS FOR BABY – Prices marked with each item

BONNETS FOR BABY – Prices marked with each item

Price: ZAR 0.00

BLANKETS FOR BABY – Prices marked with each item

BLANKETS FOR BABY – Prices marked with each item

Price: ZAR 0.00

WINNIE THE POOH PRODUCTS – Prices marked with each item

WINNIE THE POOH PRODUCTS – Prices marked with each item

Price: ZAR 0.00

BOTTLE AND FOOD WARMERS – Prices marked with each item

BOTTLE AND FOOD WARMERS – Prices marked with each item

Price: ZAR 0.00



Price: ZAR 50.00

PLAY MATS – Prices marked with each item

PLAY MATS – Prices marked with each item

Price: ZAR 0.00



Price: ZAR 30.00

CAR CHAIRS 0-25kg – Prices marked with each item

CAR CHAIRS 0-25kg – Prices marked with each item

Price: ZAR 0.00

PRAMS AND STROLLERS – Prices marked with each item

PRAMS AND STROLLERS – Prices marked with each item

Price: ZAR 0.00

CAR CHAIRS 0-13kg – Prices marked with each item

CAR CHAIRS 0-13kg – Prices marked with each item

Price: ZAR 0.00

BATHS FOR BABY – Prices marked with each item

BATHS FOR BABY – Prices marked with each item

Price: ZAR 0.00

FEEDING CHAIRS – Prices marked with each item

FEEDING CHAIRS – Prices marked with each item

Price: ZAR 0.00

ELECTRIC BREAST PUMPS – Prices marked with each item

ELECTRIC BREAST PUMPS – Prices marked with each item

Price: ZAR 0.00

NUK 150ml BOTTLE – R10

NUK 150ml BOTTLE – R10

Price: ZAR 10.00

RECLINING BATH CHAIRS – Prices marked with each item

RECLINING BATH CHAIRS – Prices marked with each item

Price: ZAR 0.00

MICROBEAD BATH PILLOWS – Prices marked with each item

MICROBEAD BATH PILLOWS – Prices marked with each item

Price: ZAR 0.00

CAMPING COTS – Prices marked with each item

CAMPING COTS – Prices marked with each item

Price: ZAR 0.00

CHANGING MATS – Prices marked with each item

CHANGING MATS – Prices marked with each item

Price: ZAR 0.00

WALKRINGS – Prices marked with each item

WALKRINGS – Prices marked with each item

Price: ZAR 0.00

TOYS FOR TODDLERS – Prices marked with each item

TOYS FOR TODDLERS – Prices marked with each item

Price: ZAR 0.00

